EBC TAX CREDIT The company is registered as an eligible business corporation (EBC). This allows investors in the highest tax brackets to receive a 30% tax credit, worth up to $120,000 of tax credit. Additionally, with RRSP contributions they are eligible to expect up to 50% back as an income tax credit on their contribution. So if an investor puts in $1000 they can expect to get up to 80% of it back as an income tax credit based on RRSP contributions & EBC tax credit; reducing their risk of investment to only 20%.
THE VALUE PROPOSITION 1266407-BC ltd is currently estimated to be valued at $2,065,657.09. The company plans on utilizing its specialized application of technology and incredible team to support a wide use of medical technologies. Ranging from clinical productivity, navigation of big data, application of e-health and app developments, in addition to its machine learning expertise that involve data extraction, evaluation, analytical and quality control systems. With the ultimate promise of high quality services for all of current and prospective clients.